ComponentOne Query 8.0
Error Codes

See Errors in SQL Generation for description of possible errors in SQL generation. The following table describes all error conditions triggering the Error event, not only the errors occurring in SQL generation.




“Could not create XML DOM object. Make sure that Microsoft XML parser is properly installed.” This error occurs at startup if Microsoft XML parser cannot be found. C1Query depends on the XML parser for its functionality.


“Error loading XML file. The path may be incorrect or the file may not be a valid XML file.”  This error occurs in the LoadSchemaFromFile method if the file does not exist or is not a valid XML file.


“Error parsing XML file. The schema file format is incorrect.” This error occurs loading a schema from file or loading a form, if the schema information is corrupted.


“Error saving schema file.” Physical error while saving schema in a file.


“Invalid schema format.” Occurs when schema information is corrupted or inconsistent with the current control version.

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“Schema error” Errors that can be detected by schema verification in the schema designer.


“Selected fields are unrelated, cannot generate a valid query.” See Managing Query Extensions. See also Relationships, Join Groups and Extensions in Schema Designer. User error.


“Query is empty.” User error.


“Query with aggregation function contains non-aggregated calculated fields.” SQL does not support calculated fields (expressions) in GROUP BY. User error.


“More than one attached C1QueryFrame control with ContentsType=c1qCondition.” Programmer error.


“More than one attached C1QueryFrame control with ContentsType=c1qResultFields” Programmer error.


“No C1QueryFrame control attached. Use the C1QueryFrame.SchemaControl property.” Programmer error.


“Invalid data format.” Entered value does not satisfy the data format for the current field (numeric, date, and so on). User error.


“Field not specified or invalid.” User left the field name empty in a condition. User error.


“Field not specified or invalid.” User left the field name empty in a result field. User error.


“Comparison operation not allowed for a field of this type”. Some comparisons are only allowed for specific types (for example, “contains” is only valid for strings). This error can only be caused by programmer’s intervention, since C1QueryFrame does not allow the user to select invalid comparison, unless it is done in code.


“Sort not allowed for a field of this type”. Some data types don’t support sorting. This error can only be caused by programmer’s intervention, since C1QueryFrame does not allow the user to select sort for these types, unless it is done in code.


“Function not allowed for a field of this type.” Some functions are only allowed for specific types (for example, SUM is only valid for numeric types). This error can only be caused by programmer’s intervention, since C1QueryFrame does not allow the user to select invalid function, unless it is done in code.


“Complex condition is empty, does not contain nested conditions.” By default, the presence of empty conditions in a user query is considered an error. User error.



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