ComponentOne Query 8.0
ApplyExtensions Property


C1Query.ApplyExtensions= value


Read/Write at run time and design time. Property applies to C1Query control.


Constant Value







c1qAutoExtensionsRestricted (default)




This property determines the actions that C1Query engine takes when a user query is incomplete, that is, the views (tables) specified by the user cannot be connected with relationships and/or join groups to form a single SQL statement. If allowed, C1Query can complete the query, adding some views to the query in addition to the views selected by the end user. This can be done using schema extensions (extensions explicitly specified in the schema), and, if necessary, using autoextension (adding views implicitly). Using schema extensions is tried first, if allowed, and only if this fails C1Query uses autoextension (if allowed).

When this property is set to 0 – c1qExtensionsDisabled, no extensions are used. C1Query does not add any views not explicitly specified by the end user.

When this property is set to 1 – c1qExtensionsEnabled, C1Query applies extensions specified in the schema, if necessary. Autoextension is not applied.

When this property is set to 2 – c1qAutoExtensionsRestricted, C1Query applies schema extensions and autoextension, if necessary. However, the main view (the one to which all other views are joined) must be one of the views explicitly specified by the user. If the user does not specify such main view, C1Query does not attempt to find it adding more views.

When this property is set to 3 – c1qAutoExtensionsUnrestricted, C1Query applies schema extensions and autoextension, if necessary, without the above restriction. That is, if all other attempts failed, and C1Query finds a view that can play the role of the main view for this query, it is allowed to add this view to the query.

See Also

Managing Query Extensions



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