ComponentOne MultiSelect for WinForms
GetDisplayText Method

C1.Win.C1Input Namespace > MaskInfo Class : GetDisplayText Method
String containing characters entered by the user, including those on optional positions that were left blank (skipped).
If set to True, the result will omit blank positions. If set to False, the resulting text will contain PromptChar on blank positions
Returns a string formatted for display using edit mask.
Public Function GetDisplayText( _
   ByVal content As String, _
   ByVal skipBlanks As Boolean _
) As String
public string GetDisplayText( 
   string content,
   bool skipBlanks


String containing characters entered by the user, including those on optional positions that were left blank (skipped).
If set to True, the result will omit blank positions. If set to False, the resulting text will contain PromptChar on blank positions
See Also


MaskInfo Class
MaskInfo Members