ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Visual Basic Samples




This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Shows how to control end-user interaction with a chart. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Shows user interaction and determining mouse location on a bar chart. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Shows how to set the DistributionRange property to control the number of levels in the legend, how to use the LabelFilter property of the Legend object to show a specific number of levels, and how to show the legend as either Stepped or Continuous. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


llustrates how to add bitmaps or Windows metafiles to different chart elements. This demo also adds a text label to a specific data point. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Charts a variety of mathematical functions and provides a gallery of 3D Chart visual properties that you can experiment with at once. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Shows how to load and save chart descriptions, and how to output chart images. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Shows how to use the 2D Chart and 3D Chart controls together. This demo interpolates a 3D surface in the 2D Chart. This demo uses the Chart2D and Chart3D controls.


Shows how to create and customize a 3D scatter chart. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Demonstrates a high performance method for adding data to, or extracting data from, the chart. For comparison, the example shows how to set data in the chart point by point or all at once using a two-dimensional array. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Simulates the effect of light on an elevation surface, producing a “4D” chart (where the fourth dimension is color data mapped onto elevation data). This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Shows how to reduce the amount of data in the chart by using cubic and linear spline interpolation. This demo uses the Chart3D control.


Shows two ways to enable surface editing for an end-user. This demo uses the Chart3D control.



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