ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
The PointSeries Collection


The PointSeries Collection

Individual series are accessed via the PointSeries collection of the Chart3DData object. The PointSeries collection itself returns a DataCoordCollection of DataCoord objects, which define the coordinates for the individual points in the series. The following methods are defined for the DataCoordCollection:


Add(x, y, z)

Adds a DataCoord object to the series with the specified coordinates (x, y, and z are doubles).


Removes a DataCoord object from the collection.


Removes all DataCoord objects from the collection.

The number of points in the series can be determined via the read-only Count property.


The following adds a point with coordinates (1, 3, 2) to the second series:

Chart3D1.ChartGroups(1).ElevationData.PointSeries(2).Add 1#, 3#, 2#

The following removes the third point in the first series:

Chart3D1.ChartGroups(1).ElevationData.PointSeries(1).Remove 3

The following assigns the number of points in the third series to x:

x = Chart3D1.ChartGroups(1).ElevationData.PointSeries(3).Count



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