ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Set the Image Layout


Set the Image Layout

Use the Layout property to specify how the image is to be displayed. You can set Layout to one of the following:

·      Centered - places the image in the center of the chart element

·      Fitted - resizes the image to fit as much of the chart element as possible, while maintaining the image's aspect ratio (so that the image remains in proportion)

·      Stretched - resizes the image to fit the entire chart element area

·      Stretch to Width - stretches the image horizontally to match the chart element width

·      Stretch to Height - stretches the image vertically to match the chart element height

·      Tiled- repeats the image to fill the entire chart element

·      Cropped Fit - resizes the image to fit the shorter of the two chart element dimensions (either the height or the width), and crops the other dimension.

These properties are located on the Control, ChartArea, Legend, ChartLabels, and Titles Image Tab.



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