ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Grid and Irregular Grid Data


Grid and Irregular Grid Data

For grid and irregular grid data, the Chart3DData object defines the following properties which control the data to be displayed in the chart:

·      The RowCount and ColumnCount properties define the number of rows and columns of data.

·      The RowOrigin and ColumnOrigin properties specify the origins of the X-axis and Y-axis respectively.

·      RowDelta and ColumnDelta are indexed properties which specify the space between neighboring rows and columns. For example, the following statement specifies a distance of 2.5 between the first row and second row of the chart:

Chart3D1.ChartGroups(1).ElevationData.RowDelta(1) = 2.5

If the data is regularly-gridded, RowDelta and ColumnDelta each have only one value.

·      The Value property specifies the Z-coordinate of a particular data point. This property is indexed by row and column. For example, the statement

Zval = Chart3D1.ChartGroups(1).ElevationData.Value(1, 3)

assigns the Z-coordinate of the point in the first row and third column to Zval.

Changing Data Values

Adding Rows and Columns

Smoothing Data

Creating a Shaded-Relief Map

Creating a Subset of a Chart

Drawing 4D Charts



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