ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Compatibility Issues


Compatibility Issues

The following compatibility issues affect the behavior of the 3D Chart control in various Windows environments.

Predefined Dash Styles used in Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows 98

In the Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows 98 environments, lines are drawn using the dash styles predefined by Microsoft Windows. As a consequence, some 2D Chart dash styles are not displayed exactly as specified. The following dash styles are affected:

·      The short dash pattern (oc2dLineShortDash) is represented as a dash-dot pattern.

·      The long-short-long dash pattern (oc2dLineLongShortLongDash) is represented as a dash-dot-dot pattern.

Non-solid lines of thickness greater than 1 in Windows95, and Windows 98

In the Windows 95 and Windows 98 environments, any non-solid lines of thickness greater than 1 are rendered as lines with thickness 1.

Line Ends are Rounded in Windows 3.x

In the Windows 3.x environment, the ends of lines drawn in charts are rounded, not square. This becomes noticeable in thick lines.

Windows 3.x and Very Large Data Sets

Very large sets of data may not load properly in the Windows 3.x environment.



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