ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Attaching the ChartLabel


Attaching the ChartLabel

Chart labels can be attached to a chart in one of three ways:

·      at a particular grid index

·      to a point in 3D space

·      to pixel coordinates on the chart

To attach a chart label to a particular grid index, set the AttachMethod property to oc3dAttachDataIndex, and then set the AttachDataIndex property to the index values for that particular grid location. For example, the following attaches a chart label to the point at the second row and third column:

With Chart3D1.ChartLabels(1)

       .AttachMethod = oc3dAttachDataIndex

       .AttachDataIndex.Row = 2

       .AttachDataIndex.Column = 3

End With

To attach a chart label to a point in 3D space, set the AttachMethod property to oc3dAttachDataCoord, and then set the AttachDataCoord property to the coordinates of the value. For example, the following attaches a chart label to the point (1.1, 15.8, 4.3):

With Chart3D1.ChartLabels(1)

       .AttachMethod = oc3dAttachDataCoord

       .AttachDataCoord.X = 1.1

       .AttachDataCoord.Y = 15.8

       .AttachDataCoord.Z = 4.3

End With

To attach a chart label to pixel coordinates on the chart, set the AttachMethod property to oc3dAttachCoord, and then set the AttachCoord property to the desired pixel coordinates. For example, the following attaches a chart label to the pixel coordinates (100, 100):

With Chart3D1.ChartLabels(1)

       .AttachMethod = oc3dAttachCoord

       .AttachCoord.X = 100

       .AttachCoord.Y = 100

End With

The following is the object hierarchy for the ChartLabels collection and the properties described above:



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