ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Y Property (Chart2DDataCoordResult)


Y Property (Chart2DDataCoordResult)

The Y-coordinate.


Property Y As Long


' This example maps a pixel coordinate to a chart coordinate

' and adds a chart label to that point


' Declare Coordinate and Label objects

Dim Coordinates as Chart2DDataCoordResult

Dim Label as Object


' Determine the X and Y values for Coordinates

Coordinates = Chart2D1.ChartGroups(1).CoordToDataCoordObject(20,30)


' Add a chart label

Set Label = Chart2D1.ChartLabels.Add


' Assign the ChartLabel to the point picked by the

' CoordToDataCoordObject method

With Chart2D1.ChartGroups(1)

       .AttachMethod = oc2dAttachDataCoord

       .AttachDataCoord.X = Coordinates.X

       .AttachDataCoord.Y = Coordinates.Y

       .Text = "My Chart Label"

End With

See Also

Chart2DDataCoordResult Object



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