ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Positioning Markers


Positioning Markers

When you add a marker, you need to specify how to position it on the chart. The method you use depends on what you are using the marker for:

·      Value (ByValue) positions the marker at the X- or Y- chart coordinate you specify. The X-marker cannot use this method when the chart is pie using PointLabels X-axis annotation.

·      Index (ByData) positions the marker at a specific data point. You specify the series index and point index within that series. You specify the chart coordinates. The X-marker must use this method when the chart is a pie using PointLabels X-axis annotation.

Use the Method marker property to set the method to use, and the marker’s Index or Value properties to set the marker position. These properties are located on the Attach Tab (Markers) on the Property Pages.

Use the IsShowing marker property to display or hide a marker once you have positioned it. IsShowing is located on the General Tab (Markers) on the Property Pages.



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