ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
Missing Slices


Missing Slices

A slice of the pie chart can be excluded, so that an empty gap in the pie appears where the slice would otherwise be.

Missing slices must be set programmatically, and can be set by individual slices via the PointStyles property of the ChartGroup object. Unlike exploding pies, missing slices cannot be specified by series. The PointStyles collection is empty by default. PointStyles for individual (set,point) pairs must be added before they can be used.

' PointStyles do not exist by default. You have to add them before using them.

Chart2D1.ChartGroups(1).PointStyles.Add 1, 1

' Set the first point of the series to be missing.

Chart2D1.ChartGroups(1).PointStyles(1,1).Slice.Display = oc2dDisplayHide



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