ComponentOne Chart 8.0 for ActiveX
IsFillFalling Property (Candle)


IsFillFalling Property (Candle)

Determines if a simple candle chart is filled for falling or rising candles.


Property IsFillFalling As Boolean


Candles with closing values less than opening values are considered falling candles. Candles with closing values higher than opening values are considered rising candles. By default, simple candle charts will set the IsFillFalling property to True, so falling candles will be filled and rising candles will be hollow. If the FillFalling property is False, then falling candles are hollow and rising candles are filled.


' Sets the candle chart to the fill falling candle values

Chart2D1.ChartArea.Candle.IsFillFalling = True

See Also

Candle Object

ChartArea Object



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