ComponentOne Web API Edition
BorderLinetype Enumeration

C1.Web.Api.Excel Namespace : BorderLinetype Enumeration
The style of the cell borders.
<Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverterAttribute(ConverterType=Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter, ConverterParameters=)>
Public Enum BorderLinetype 
   Inherits System.Enum
[Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter(ConverterType=Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter, ConverterParameters=)]
public enum BorderLinetype : System.Enum 
DashedThe line style of a border is dashed.
DottedThe line style of a border is dotted.
DoubleThe line style of a border is double line.
HairThe line style of a border is hairline.
MediumThe line style of a border is medium.
MediumDashDotDottedThe line style of a border is medium dash-dot-dot.
MediumDashDottedThe line style of a border is medium dash-dot.
MediumDashedThe line style of a border is medium dashed.
NoneThe line style of a border is none (no border visible).
SlantedMediumDashDottedThe line style of a border is slanted dash-dot.
ThickThe line style of a border is 'thick'.
ThinThe line style of a border is thin.
ThinDashDotDottedThe line style of a border is thin dash-dot-dot.
ThinDashDottedThe line style of a border is thin dash-dot.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


C1.Web.Api.Excel Namespace