ComponentOne True DBGrid for WinForms
Accessing the Values of the Selected Rows in the Grid
True DBGrid for WinForms Task-Based Help > Adding a New Row to C1TrueDBGrid > Accessing the Values of the Selected Rows in the Grid

To access the values of the selected rows in a grid, you must access the SelectedRows collection.

Use the following code to write each of the selected rows to the Debug window:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim row As Integer
For Each row In Me.C1TrueDBGrid1.SelectedRows

To write code in C#

Copy Code
int row; 
foreach (int row in this.c1TrueDBGrid1.SelectedRows) 

You can also use the grid's index to access the rows. Use the following code:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim row As Integer
For Each row In Me.C1TrueDBGrid1.SelectedRows
    Debug.WriteLine(Me.C1TrueDBGrid1(row, 0).ToString())

To write code in C#

Copy Code
int row; 
foreach (int row in this.c1TrueDBGrid1.SelectedRows) 
    Debug.WriteLine(this.c1TrueDBGrid1(row, 0).ToString()); 

For this example, the following code was added to the Button1_Click event in Tutorial 5: Selecting Multiple Rows Using Bookmarks:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
Copy Code
Dim row As Integer
For Each row In Me.C1TrueDBGrid1.SelectedRows
    Debug.WriteLine(Me.C1TrueDBGrid1(row, 1).ToString())

To write code in C#

Copy Code
int row; 
foreach (int row in this.c1TrueDBGrid1.SelectedRows) 
    Debug.WriteLine(this.c1TrueDBGrid1(row, 1).ToString()); 

What You've Accomplished

The Last name of each composer in a selected row is returned in the Debug window: