ComponentOne Themes for WinForms
Theme Preview
C1Theme Designer Application Overview > Theme Designer Ribbon Menu > Home Tab > Theme Preview

The Form Preview groupbox appears on the Theme designer's Ribbon menu.

The following table describes each item inside the Form Preview:

Item Description
BTP Editor Preview current theme applied to C1Controls (C1FlexGrid, C1Schedule, C1TrueDBGrid) in a C1RibbonForm. This opens in a new window.
Auto Preview

Preview current theme applied to C1Controls (C1FlexGrid, C1Schedule, C1TrueDBGrid) in a WinForms with C1Command UI  elements. This opens in a new window.

C1Command UI Preview current theme applied to various C1Controls (C1TrueDBGrid, C1FlexGrid, C1Schedule) with C1Command menu and other UI elements.
C1Ribbon UI Preview current theme applied to various C1Controls (C1TrueDBGrid, C1FlexGrid, C1Schedule) with a Ribbon-based UI.
C1Input (C1Command UI) Preview current theme applied to various C1Input controls with C1Command menus and other UI elements.
C1Input (C1Ribbon UI) Preview current theme applied to various C1Input controls with a C1Ribbon-based UI.

Preview current theme applied to a C1RadialMenu.

C1GanttView Preview current theme applied to a C1GanttView.
C1Report Preview currrent theme applied to C1Report print preview controls.
C1SuperTooltip Preview current theme applied to C1SuperTooltip and C1SuperLabel.
WinForms Controls Preview current theme applied to standard winform controls.