ComponentOne Themes for WinForms
Edit Group
C1Theme Designer Application Overview > Theme Designer Ribbon Menu > Home Tab > Edit Group

The Edit Group in the Ribbon menu of the C1ThemeDesigner appears like the following:



The following command buttons are included in the Edit group:


Command Button Description
Add The Add command is active when any of the items in the Base Theme Properties section are selected. Click on the Add button to open a submenu of command items.  Below command adds the new property immediately below the selected property. Above command adds the new property immediately above the selected property. As Child add the new property as a child of the selected property.

Edits the attributes (name etc.) of the current Base Theme Properties tree item. The Edit command is active when any of the items in the Base Theme Properties section are selected. Select an item in the Base Theme Properties that you wish to edit and then click on the Edit button. Clicking on the Edit button opens the dialog box:

Reference Clicking on the Reference command button opens the Edit Reference dialog box where you can edit, add, or remove the selected reference on the theme tree item.
Clear Clears the property value on the selected theme tree item.
Reset Resets the property value on the selected theme tree item.
Paste Pastes the item into the Base Theme properties tree. Click on the Paste button to open a submenu of command items: Paste after, Paste before, Paste as child, and Paste value. The Paste after pastes the properties after the selected property. Paste before pastes the properties before the selected property. Paste as child pastes properties as child for the selected property. Paste value replaces the value of selected properties with data from the clipboard.
Cut Cuts the selected Base Theme properties item(s) and puts them on the clipboard.
Copy Copies the selected Base Theme tree properties item(s) and puts them on the clipboard.
Delete Deletes the selected Base Theme tree properties item(s).
Undo Undo the last edit.
Redo Redo the last undone edit.