The C1TabStrip type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAlignment
Gets or sets the default alignment of the tabstrip.
Public propertyAutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value that determines whether to postback to the server when clicking the tab.
Public propertyCausesValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is performed when a tab is clicked.
Public propertyChildGroupCssClass
CSS class name used for the child tab group.
Public propertyDataTextField
Gets or sets the name of the data field to bind to the C1Tab.Text property.
Public propertyDataUrlField
Gets or sets the name of the data field to bind to the C1Tab.NavigateUrl property.
Public propertyDataValueField
Gets or sets the name of the data field to bind to the C1Tab.Value property.
Public propertyDirection
Gets or sets the direction of the tabs.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Enabled.)
Public propertyMasterID
Gets or sets the name of the master id field in hierachical databinding.
Public propertyMultiPageID
Gets or sets the ID of the C1MultiPage control to associate with this tabstrip.
Public propertyOnClientAfterTabSelect
Handler name of the client AfterTabSelect event.
Public propertyOnClientBeforeTabSelect
Handler name of the client BeforeTabSelect event.
Public propertyOnClientTabMouseEnter
Handler name of the client TabMouseEnter event.
Public propertyOnClientTabMouseOut
Handler name of the client TabMouseOut event.
Public propertyOnClientTabUnSelect
Handler name of the client TabUnSelect event.
Public propertyOverlapOrder
Gets or sets orientation of the tabstrip.
Public propertyParentID
Gets or sets the name of the parent id field in hierachical databinding.
Public propertyPostBackUrl
Gets or sets the URL of the page to post to from the current page when a tab is clicked.
Public propertyScrollSettings
Scroll settings.
Public propertySelectedIndex
Gets or sets the index of the selected tab.
Public propertyTabs
Gets the collection of tabs.
Public propertyTextImageRelation
Gets or sets the relationship of the text and image for the child tabs.
Public propertyValidationGroup
Gets or sets the group of controls for which the tab causes validation when it posts back to the server.

See Also