The C1Tab type exposes the following members.


Public methodC1TabOverloaded.


Public methodIsNavigateUrl
Determines if NavigateUrl property match value of url.


Public propertyAlignment
Gets or sets the alignment of the child tabs.
Public propertyAutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value that determins whether postback to server when clicking the tab.
Public propertyBackColor
Public propertyBorderColor
Public propertyBorderStyle
Public propertyBorderWidth
Public propertyChildGroupCssClass
CSS class name used for the child tab group.
Public propertyClientPageViewID
Public propertyControls
(Overrides Control..::..Controls.)
Public propertyCssClass
CSS class name used for the tab.
(Overrides WebControl..::..CssClass.)
Public propertyCssClassDisabled
CSS class name used for the tab in disabled mode.
Public propertyCssClassSelected
CSS class name used for the tab in selected mode.
Public propertyDisabledImageUrl
Url to the tab image when the tab is in disabled state.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value that determines the enable state of this tab.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Enabled.)
Public propertyForceNewLine
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the new tab starts from a new line.
Public propertyImageUrl
Url to the tab image when the tab is in normal state.
Public propertyIndex
Gets the index of this tab its group.
Public propertyNavigateUrl
The URL to navigate when clicking the tab.
Public propertyPageViewID
Gets or sets the ID of the PageView in a C1MultiPage that will be switched when this Tab is pressed.
Public propertyScrollSettings
Scroll settings.
Public propertySelected
Gets or sets a value that determines whether the tab is selected.
Public propertySelectedImageUrl
Url to the tab image when the tab is in selected state.
Public propertySelectedIndex
Gets or sets the index of the selected tab in the child group.
Public propertyTabs
Gets the collection of tabs.
Public propertyTarget
The navigate target when clicking the tab.
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the text displayed on the tab.
Public propertyTextImageRelation
Gets or sets the relationship of the text and image for the child tabs.
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the tooltip text for the tab.
(Overrides WebControl..::..ToolTip.)
Public propertyValue
Gets or sets the value associated with the tab.

See Also