Getting Started with ComponentOne Studio Silverlight Edition

Using templates, you can modify the structure of the control to which the template is applied. You can modify a control template to rearrange, add, or delete the elements (or parts) in the control. For example, you can add a background image or design to a control such as a button.

You can also modify the values of properties (such as background color) that are set on the control to which the template is applied. These template values cannot be overridden by the values that are set on the control itself when it is drawn on the artboard. However, you can use template-binding to set the properties of a template according to the values of properties of the control when it is drawn on the artboard.

When you modify a template, you have access to more parts of a control than when you modify a style. For example, you can change the way the pop-up list appears in a combo box, or you change the look of the button that triggers the pop-up list in the combo box by modifying the items template. Some templates consist of the following parts:

·         ContentPresenter

A content presenter is a placeholder in the control template to display the content of the control to which the template is applied. This might be the value of a content property (in a button for example), or a text property (in a text box).

·         Header

Some controls have multiple properties that hold content. In this case, an additional content presenter is used in the template as a placeholder for the type of content that is used as a header. An example of a headered control is a tab item control where the header is the label on the tab and the content is displayed underneath the header.

·         ItemsHost

An items host is used as a placeholder for the child elements of a control. The items host part of a template is identified by IsItemsHost = True in the Properties panel.

·         ItemContainerTemplate

An item container template is applied to a control that contains items, such as a Menu or List control. This template is used when items are added to the list.

Finally, you can specify the behavior of any new and existing parts in a template by using triggers. For example, you can specify a trigger so that when a user moves the pointer over a button, the color of one of the parts will change. These property changes can be instantaneous or animated to produce a smooth transition.

Note: You cannot animate from the value of a template-bound property or a color resource to another value. When using animations in triggers, use specific property values.




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