ComponentOne Ribbon for WinForms
StyleGlyph Enumeration

C1.Win.C1Ribbon.4 Assembly > C1.Win.C1Ribbon Namespace : StyleGlyph Enumeration
Named style glyphs.
Public Enum StyleGlyph 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum StyleGlyph : System.Enum 
ArrowDownA black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Down' button.
ArrowLeftA black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Left' button.
ArrowRightA black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Right' button.
ArrowUpA black&white image displayed on the 'Scroll Up' button.
CalendarDropDownA black&white image displayed on the drop-down button of RibbonDatePicker.
CheckMarkA black&white image that appears on checked check boxes.
CloseButtonA black&white image that appears on window Close button.
CustomizeQatArrowThe 'Customize QAT' image for displaying QAT menu items.
DialogLauncherA black&white image that appears in RibbonGroup's dialog launcher area.
GalleryBottomGripperA black&white image displayed at the bottom right corner of the popup window for resizing the gallery.
GalleryTopGripperA black&white image displayed at the top right corner of the popup window for resizing the gallery.
HelpButtonA black&white image that appears on window Help button.
MaximizeButtonA black&white image that appears on window Maximize button.
MenuCheckMarkA black&white image marking the toggled menu items.
MinimizeButtonA black&white image that appears on window Minimize button.
MinusButtonA black&white image of the Minus button.
NextMonthArrowA black&white image displayed on the 'Next Month' button.
NextYearArrowA black&white image displayed on the 'Next Year' button.
NoneValue used as default for StyleGlyph enumeration.
PlusButtonA black&white image of the Plus button.
PopupResizeGripperA black&white image of a handle for resizing menus vertically.
PrevMonthArrowA black&white image displayed on the 'Previous Month' button.
PrevYearArrowA black&white image displayed on the 'Previous Year' button.
QatChevronThe QAT chevron image for displaying more QAT items.
RestoreButtonA black&&white image that appears on window Restore button.
SmallArrowDownA small down arrow glyph shown on drop-down buttons and up-down elements.
SmallArrowLeftA small arrow glyph used to scroll the QAT chevron to the left.
SmallArrowRightA small arrow glyph used to scroll the QAT chevron to the right.
SmallArrowUpA small up arrow glyph used in up-down elements and galleries.
SubmenuArrowA black&white image that shows an arrow for the submenu.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


C1.Win.C1Ribbon Namespace