| Name | Description |
| CssClass | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssClass. Sets the css class of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| CssStyle | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssStyles. Sets the CSS style applied in the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| CssStyles | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.CssStyles. Sets the CSS style applied in the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| Format | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.Format. Sets the format used to display the number being edited (see Globalize). |
| Height | Overloaded. Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.Height. Sets the height of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| HtmlAttribute | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.HtmlAttributes. Sets the HTML attributes. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| HtmlAttributes | Overloaded. Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.HtmlAttributes. Sets the HTML attributes. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| Id | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Component.Id. Sets the id of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| InputType | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.InputType. Sets the "type" attribute of the HTML input element hosted by the control. |
| IsDisabled | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.IsDisabled. Sets a value that determines whether the control is disabled. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| IsReadOnly | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.IsReadOnly. Sets a value that indicates whether the user can modify the control value using the mouse and keyboard. |
| IsRequired | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.IsRequired. Sets a value indicating whether the control value must be a number or whether it can be set to null (by deleting the content of the control). |
| Max | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.Max. Sets the largest number that the user can enter. |
| Min | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.Min. Sets the smallest number that the user can enter. |
| Name | Sets the Name property. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.FormInputBaseBuilder<InputNumber,InputNumberBuilder>) |
| OnClientGotFocus | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientGotFocus client event. Occurs when the control gets the focus. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| OnClientLostFocus | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientLostFocus client event. Occurs when the control loses the focus. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| OnClientRefreshed | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientRefreshed client event. Occurs after the control has refreshed its contents. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| OnClientRefreshing | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.OnClientRefreshing client event. Occurs when the control is about to refresh its contents. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| OnClientTextChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.OnClientTextChanged client event. Occurs when the value of the Text property changes. |
| OnClientValueChanged | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.OnClientValueChanged client event. Occurs when the value of the Value property changes. |
| Placeholder | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.Placeholder. Sets the string shown as a hint when the control is empty. |
| RepeatButtons | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.RepeatButtons. Sets a value that determines whether the spinner buttons should act as repeat buttons, firing repeatedly as the button remains pressed. |
| ShowSpinner | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.ShowSpinner. Sets a value indicating whether the control displays spinner buttons to increment or decrement the value (the step property must be set to a non-zero value). |
| Step | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.Step. Sets the amount to add or subtract to the Value property when the user clicks the spinner buttons. |
| TemplateBind | Configurates the C1.Web.Mvc.Control.TemplateBindings client event. Sets the collection of the template bindings. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| Text | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.Text. Sets the text shown in the control. |
| ToHtmlString | Get an Html string. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ComponentBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| ToTemplate | Transfer to the template mode. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |
| Value | Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.InputNumber.Value. Sets the current value of the control. |
| Width | Overloaded. Configurates C1.Web.Mvc.Control.Width. Sets the width of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Fluent.ControlBuilder<TControl,TBuilder>) |