ComponentOne ASP.NET MVC Controls
C1.Web.Mvc.Chart Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassA series of pre-defined palettes for chart.
EnumerationSpecifies how to handle overlapped labels.
EnumerationSpecifies whether and where axis tick marks appear.
EnumerationSpecifies which type of chart users want to create.
EnumerationSpecifies the error amount of the series, it can be a standard error amount, a percentage or a standard deviation.
EnumerationSpecifies the direction of the error bar.
EnumerationSpecifies the end style of the error bar.
EnumerationSpecifies the position of data labels on the chart.
EnumerationSpecifies the alignment of the LineMarker.
EnumerationSpecifies how the LineMarker interacts with the user.
EnumerationSpecifies the line type for the LineMarker.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of marker to use for the @see:symbolMarker property. Applies to Scatter, LineSymbols, and SplineSymbols chart types.
EnumerationSpecifies whether and where the Series is visible.
EnumerationSpecifies the orientation of the range selector.
EnumerationSpecifies the position of data labels on the pie chart.
EnumerationSpecifies the position of an axis or legend on the chart.
EnumerationSpecifies the quartile calculation method of Box and Whisker chart.
EnumerationSpecifies the type of radar chart.
EnumerationSpecifies what is selected when the user clicks the chart.
EnumerationSpecifies whether and where the Series is visible.
EnumerationSpecifies whether and how to stack the chart's data values.
EnumerationSpecifies whether and where the Series is visible.
See Also


C1.Web.Mvc Assembly