MVC4 Classic

The wijtooltip widget allows you to show a popup tooltip or an overlay that provides information about a target element in a callout or small box. Embed any HTML, images, and text to create a fully customized tooltip.
The wijtooltip widget is created by the jquery.wijmo.wijtooltip.js library. It is simply applied to a jQuery selector, and a tooltip appears for the selector elements.

You can use the following markup to create a tooltip:


To add a tooltip to an HTML element, all you need to do is nest the tooltip markup between the HTML element you want it attached to, like this:

<div id="targetContainer">
                     <input title="I am a unique and special tooltip!" type="text" />

The following jQuery script will initialize the wijtooltip:

<script id="scriptInit"type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

When you run the the project and hover over the input box with your cursor, a tooltip will appear.

For more information about wijsuperpanel, click one of the external links to view our Wijmo wiki documentation:

See Also



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