LightBox for ASP.NET Web Forms
Setting the Sequence Counter in the LightBox
Task-Based Help > Setting the Sequence Counter in the LightBox

C1LightBox supports two types of counter styles, determined by the CounterType property:

In the following examples you'll set the CounterType property to Sequence.

In Source View

In Source view add CounterType="Sequence" to the <cc1:C1LightBox> tag so it appears similar to the following:

<cc1:C1LightBox ID="C1LightBox1" runat="server" CounterType="Sequence">

At Design Time

In Design view, select the C1LightBox control and in the Properties window set the CounterType property to Sequence.

In Code

Add the following code to the Page_Load event:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
Copy Code
Me.C1LightBox1.CounterType = CounterType.Sequence

To write code in C#

Copy Code
this.C1LightBox1.CounterType = CounterType.Sequence;
See Also