LightSwitch HTML Edition
Wijmo Value Control

For content items that represent screen content, such as when you add a new custom control to a layout element, you can substitute a Wijmo Custom Control and set its Widget property to one of the available values. The following table shows the mapping between the property value and the underlying UI element.

Widget Property Base Control
Calendar wijcalendar
Date Input HTML5 input, type=date
Date/Time Input HTML5 input, type=datetime
Linear Gauge wijlineargauge
Numeric Input HTML5 input, type=number
Radial Gauge wijradialgauge
Rating wijrating
Text Input HTML5 input, type=text

Since the Wijmo Value Control extension must service multiple data types, you need to choose an appropriate widget based on the data type of the content item. For example, don’t assign a Rating or Gauge widget to a date value.

The HTML5 input controls are not Wijmo controls per se, but are included as a convenience. The date variants are provided for cases where you want to display a plain input box instead of the built-in LightSwitch date picker, but you still want to use the intrinsic date editor on mobile devices. Similarly, the numeric widget uses the native numeric keypad when editing is initiated on a mobile device. The text widget is the default, since it is the only one that makes sense with any data type. 

See Also



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