ComponentOne FlexGrid for WPF and Silverlight
Advanced Printing
Features > Print Support > Advanced Printing

If you want more control over the printing process, use the GetPageImages method to automatically break up the grid into images that can be rendered onto individual pages. Each image is a 100% accurate representation of a portion of the grid, including styles, custom elements, repeating row and column headers on every page, and so on.

The GetPageImages method also allows callers to scale the images so the entire grid renders in actual size, scales to fit onto a single page, or scales to the width of a single page.

Once you have obtained the page images, you can use the WPF or Silverlight printing support to render them into documents with complete flexibility. For example, you can create documents that contain several grids, charts, and other types of content. You can also customize headers and footers, add letterheads, and so on.

The printing frameworks in WPF and Silverlight are different. The following sections demonstrate how an application can render the FlexGrid using the GetPageImages onto a print document in either platform.

Printing a C1FlexGrid in WPF

Printing documents in WPF requires a slightly different sequence of steps than in Silverlight:

  1. Create a PrintDialog object.
  2. If the dialog box’s ShowDialog method returns true, then:
  3. Create a Paginator object that will provide the document content.
  4. Call the dialog’s Print method.

The code below shows a sample implementation of this mechanism.

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// print the grid
void _btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  var pd = new PrintDialog();
  if (pd.ShowDialog().Value)
    // get margins, scale mode
    var margin = 96.0;
    var scaleMode =;

    // get page size
    var pageSize = new Size(pd.PrintableAreaWidth,

    // create paginator
    var paginator = new FlexPaginator(
      _flex, ScaleMode.PageWidth,
      new Thickness(margin), 100);

    // print the document
    pd.PrintDocument(paginator, "C1FlexGrid printing example");

The FlexPaginator class provides the page images and is conceptually similar to the PrintPage event handler used in Silverlight. Implement it as follows:

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/// <summary>
/// DocumentPaginator class used to render C1FlexGrid controls.
/// </summary>
public class FlexPaginator : DocumentPaginator
  Thickness _margin;
  Size _pageSize;
  ScaleMode _scaleMode;
  List<FrameworkElement> _pages;

  public FlexPaginator(C1FlexGrid flex,
    ScaleMode scaleMode,
    Size pageSize,
    Thickness margin, int maxPages)
    // save parameters
    _margin = margin;
    _scaleMode = scaleMode;
    _pageSize = pageSize;

    // adjust page size for margins before building grid images
    pageSize.Width -= (margin.Left + margin.Right);
    pageSize.Height -= (margin.Top + margin.Bottom);

    // get grid images for each page
    _pages = flex.GetPageImages(scaleMode, pageSize, maxPages);

The constructor creates the page images. They are later rendered onto pages when the printing framework invokes the paginator’s GetPage method:

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  public override DocumentPage GetPage(int pageNumber)
    // create page element
    var pageTemplate = new PageTemplate();

    // set margins

    // set content
    pageTemplate.PageContent.Child = _pages[pageNumber];
    pageTemplate.PageContent.Stretch =
      _scaleMode == ScaleMode.ActualSize
        ? System.Windows.Media.Stretch.None
        : System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Uniform;

    // set footer text
    pageTemplate.FooterRight.Text = string.Format("Page {0} of {1}",
        pageNumber + 1, _pages.Count);

    // arrange the elements on the page
        new Rect(0, 0, _pageSize.Width, _pageSize.Height));

    // return new document page
    return new DocumentPage(pageTemplate);

As in the Silverlight example, a helper PageTemplate class is used to hold the grid images and to provide the margins, headers, and footers.

The remaining paginator methods have trivial implementations:

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  public override int PageCount
    get { return _pages.Count; }
  public override IDocumentPaginatorSource Source
    get { return null; }
  public override Size PageSize
    get { return _pageSize; }
    set { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
  public override bool IsPageCountValid
    get { return true; }

The image below shows the document created when the grid is rendered into an XPS file. The image is very accurate, including a custom rating cell used in the sample. Row and column headers are automatically included in every page, as well as a simple page header and the standard “Page n of m” page footers.

Printing a C1FlexGrid in Silverlight

Follow these steps to print documents in Silverlight:

  1. Create a PrintDocument object.
  2. Connect handlers to the BeginPrintPrintPage, and EndPrint events.
  3. Call the document’s Print method.

The Print method shows a print dialog. If the user clicks OK, the document fires the BeginPrint event once, then PrintPage once for each page, and finally EndPrint when the last page renders. The code below shows a sample implementation of this mechanism.

We use two variables to hold the page images and to keep track of the page being rendered:

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List<FrameworkElement> _pages;
int _currentPage;

Here is the handler called to print the document:

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// print the grid 
void _btnPrint_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  // create a PrintDocument
  var pd = new System.Windows.Printing.PrintDocument();

  // prepare to print 
  _pages = null;
  pd.PrintPage += pd_PrintPage;

  // print the document

The PrintPage method does all of the work. It generates all the page images the first time it is called, then renders the images onto the pages as they are created.

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void pd_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
  if (_pages == null)
    // calculate page size, discount margins
    var sz = e.PrintableArea;
    sz.Width -= 2 * 96; // one inch left/right margins
    sz.Height -= 2 * 96; // one inch top/bottom margins

    // generate the page images
    _currentPage = 0;
    _pages = _flex.GetPageImages(ScaleMode.ActualWidth, sz, 100);

  // create visual element that represents this page
  var pageTemplate = new PageTemplate ();

  // apply margins to the page template
  pageTemplate.SetPageMargin(new Thickness(_margin));

  // add content to page template
  pageTemplate.PageContent.Child = _pages[_currentPage];

  // apply footer text
  pageTemplate.FooterRight.Text = string.Format("Page {0} of {1}", 
    _currentPage + 1, _pages.Count);

  // render the page
  e.PageVisual = pageTemplate;

  // move on to next page
  e.HasMorePages = _currentPage < _pages.Count;

Instead of rendering the grid images directly onto the pages, the sample uses a custom auxiliary class called PageTemplate. This class provides the margins, headers, footers, and a ViewBox control that hosts the actual grid images. Rendering the grid images directly onto the page would also work, but the template adds a lot of flexibility. (Note that the PageTemplate class is implanted in the sample and is not part of the C1FlexGrid assembly).

Here is the XAML that defines the PageTemplate class:

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<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">  <Grid.RowDefinitions>    <RowDefinition Height="96" />    <RowDefinition Height="*"/>    <RowDefinition Height="96" />  </Grid.RowDefinitions>  <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>    <ColumnDefinition Width="96"/>    <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />    <ColumnDefinition Width="96"/>  </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>

  <!-- header -->  <Border Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"       VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="0 12"        BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="0 0 0 1" >    <Grid>      <TextBlock Text="ComponentOne FlexGrid"        FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="14"        VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Left" />      <TextBlock Text="Printing Demo"        FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="14"        VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Right" />    </Grid>  </Border>

  <!-- footer -->  <Border Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"      VerticalAlignment="Top"  Margin="0 12"       BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="0 1 0 0" >    <Grid>      <TextBlock x:Name="FooterLeft" Text="Today"         VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Left" />      <TextBlock x:Name="FooterRight" Text="Page {0} of {1}"         VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Right" />    </Grid>  </Border>

  <! -- page content -->  <Viewbox x:Name="PageContent" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1"     VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" /></Grid>
See Also

Silverlight Reference