ComponentOne FlexGrid for WinForms
Column Class
Members  Example 

C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace : Column Class
Class that represents a grid column.
Object Model
Column ClassIC1ColumnFilter InterfaceIC1ColumnFilter InterfaceC1FlexGridBase ClassSparkline ClassCellStyle ClassCellStyle ClassCellStyle ClassCellStyle ClassCellStyle ClassCellStyle Class
Public Class Column 
   Inherits RowCol
public class Column : RowCol 

Here is the list of what all can be achieved using the Column class:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     _flex = new C1FlexGrid();
     _flex.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

     OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data Source="" + Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + ""\\ComponentOne Samples\\Common\\C1NWind.mdb");
     DataTable productsTable = new DataTable();
     DataTable categoryTable = new DataTable();
     new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Products", con).Fill(productsTable);
     new OleDbDataAdapter("Select CategoryId,CategoryName,Picture from Categories", con).Fill(categoryTable);

     _flex.DataSource = productsTable;
     _flex.Cols[""UnitPrice""].Format = "c";

     //Applying Custom Editor
     NumericUpDown numericUpDownEditor = new NumericUpDown();
     numericUpDownEditor.Maximum = 200;
     _flex.Cols["UnitsInStock"].Editor = numericUpDownEditor;

     //Using ImageMap
     ListDictionary categoryList = new ListDictionary();
     foreach (DataRow row in categoryTable.Rows)
     categoryList.Add(row["CategoryId"] ,row["CategoryName"]);

     ImageList imgList = new ImageList();
     foreach (DataRow row in categoryTable.Rows)
       imgList.Images.Add(row[""CategoryId""].ToString(), LoadImage((byte[])(row["Picture"])));

     ListDictionary images = new ListDictionary();
     for (int i = 1; i <=imgList.Images.Count; i++)
        images[i] = imgList.Images[i.ToString()];

     _flex.Cols["CategoryId"].DataMap = categoryList;
     _flex.Cols["CategoryId"].ImageMap = images;
     _flex.Cols["CategoryId"].ImageAndText = true;
     _flex.Cols["CategoryId"].ImageAlign = ImageAlignEnum.RightBottom;

     //Applying filter
     _flex.AllowFiltering = true;
     ConditionFilter priceFilter = new ConditionFilter();
     priceFilter.Condition1.Parameter = "50";
     priceFilter.Condition1.Operator = ConditionOperator.GreaterThan;
     _flex.Cols["UnitPrice"].Filter = priceFilter;

     //Column calculation on FlexGrid columns through expressions.
     Column unboundcol = _flex.Cols.Add();
     unboundcol.DataType = typeof(object);
     unboundcol.AllowEditing = false;
     unboundcol.Name = "CustomColumn";
     unboundcol.Caption = "Custom Column";
     unboundcol.AllowExpressionEditing = true;
     unboundcol.Expression = "[UnitsInStock] -[UnitsOnOrder]";

     //Sorting a specific column
     _flex.Cols["ReorderLevel"].Sort = SortFlags.Descending;
     _flex.Sort(SortFlags.UseColSort, _flex.Cols["ReorderLevel"].Index );

static Image LoadImage(byte[] picData)
    // make sure this is an embedded object
    const int bmData = 78;
    if (picData == null || picData.Length < bmData + 2) return null;
    if (picData[0] != 0x15 || picData[1] != 0x1c) return null;

    // we only handle bitmaps for now
    if (picData[bmData] != 'B' || picData[bmData + 1] != 'M') return null;

    // load the picture
    Image img = null;
        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(picData, bmData, picData.Length - bmData);
        img = Image.FromStream(ms);
    catch { }

    // return what we got
    return img;
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


Column Members
C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace