ComponentOne DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight
C1DataGrid Brushes
DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight Overview > DataGrid Features > DataGrid Appearance > C1DataGrid Brushes

DataGrid for WPF provides several brush properties that you can use to completely change the appearance of the control and its rows, columns, headers, and cells. Some of the included brushes are described in the table below:


Theme Name Theme Preview
Background Gets or sets the background brush that is used when rendering. (This brush will be applied to all the parts of the data grid)
Foreground Gets or sets the foreground brush that is used when rendering. (This brush will be applied to all the parts of the data grid)
BorderBrush Gets or sets the border brush that is used when rendering. (This brush will be applied to some of the parts of the data grid depending on the theme)
SelectedBrush Gets or sets the selected brush that is used when rendering selected rows and row and column headers, etc.
MouseOverBrush Gets or sets the mouse over brush that is used when mouse is over rows and row and column headers, etc.
RowBackground Gets or sets the background brush of a row.
RowForeground Gets or sets the foreground brush of a row.
AlternatingRowBackground Gets or sets the background brush of an alternating row.
AlternatingRowForeground Gets or sets the foreground brush of an alternating row.
HorizontalGridLinesBrush Gets of sets the brush applied to the horizontal lines.
VerticalGridLinesBrush Gets of sets the brush applied to the vertical lines.

DataGrid for WPF uses ClearStyle technology for styling. For details, see C1DataGrid ClearStyle.