ComponentOne DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight
RiaCollectionView Class Members
Properties  Methods  Events

C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Ria Namespace : RiaCollectionView Class

The following tables list the members exposed by RiaCollectionView.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the RiaCollectionView class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the filter descriptions. When setting the property the filter descriptions should be applied to the underlying data.  
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether a new item can be added to the collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the collection view can discard pending changes and restore the original values of an edited object. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the System.ComponentModel.IPagedCollectionView.PageIndex value can change. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyOverridden. Gets a value that indicates whether this view supports filtering by way of the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.Filter property.  
Public PropertyOverridden. Gets a value that indicates whether this view supports grouping by way of the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.GroupDescriptions property.  
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether an item can be removed from the collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether this view supports sorting by way of the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.SortDescriptions property. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets or sets the collection view associated to this class. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets or sets the cultural information for any operations of the view that may differ by culture, such as sorting. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the item that is being added during the current add transaction. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the item in the collection that is being edited. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the current item in the view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the ordinal position of the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem in the view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets or sets the data grid.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the domain data source.  
Public PropertyGets the editable collection view associated to this class. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets or sets a callback that is used to determine whether an item is appropriate for inclusion in the view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets or sets the filter operator.  
Public PropertyGets a collection of System.ComponentModel.GroupDescription objects that describe how the items in the collection are grouped in the view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the top-level groups. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether an add transaction is in progress. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem of the view is beyond the end of the collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem of the view is beyond the start of the collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether an edit transaction is in progress. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the view is empty. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a value that indicates whether the page index is changing. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the number of known items in the view before paging is applied. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets or sets the position of the new item placeholder in the collection view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the paged collection view associated to this class. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the zero-based index of the current page. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets or sets the number of items to display on a page. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets a collection of System.ComponentModel.SortDescription instances that describe how the items in the collection are sorted in the view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the underlying collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public PropertyGets the total number of items in the view before paging is applied. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public Methods
Public MethodAdds a new item to the underlying collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodEnds the edit transaction and, if possible, restores the original value of the item. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodEnds the add transaction and discards the pending new item. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodEnds the edit transaction and saves the pending changes. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodEnds the add transaction and saves the pending new item. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodIndicates whether the specified item belongs to this collection view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodEnters a defer cycle that you can use to merge changes to the view and delay automatic refresh. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodBegins an edit transaction on the specified item. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodReturns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodSets the specified item in the view as the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodSets the first item in the view as the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodSets the last item in the view as the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodSets the item after the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem in the view as the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodSets the item at the specified index to be the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem in the view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodSets the item before the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem in the view to the System.ComponentModel.ICollectionView.CurrentItem. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodSets the first page as the current page. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodSets the last page as the current page. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodMoves to the page after the current page. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodMoves to the page at the specified index. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodMoves to the page before the current page. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodRecreates the view. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodRemoves the specified item from the collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public MethodRemoves the item at the specified position from the collection. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public Events
Public EventOccurs when the items list of the collection has changed, or the collection is reset. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public EventOccurs after the current item has been changed. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public EventOccurs before the current item changes. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public EventWhen implementing this interface, raise this event after the System.ComponentModel.IPagedCollectionView.PageIndex has changed. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
Public EventWhen implementing this interface, raise this event before changing the System.ComponentModel.IPagedCollectionView.PageIndex. The event handler can cancel this event. (Inherited from C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Data.BaseCollectionView)
See Also


RiaCollectionView Class
C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.Ria Namespace