ComponentOne DataGrid for WPF and Silverlight
FilterDescription Class Members
Properties  Methods 

C1.Silverlight.DataGrid Namespace : FilterDescription Class

The following tables list the members exposed by FilterDescription.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the property name being used as the filtering criteria.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the current state of this filter description.  
Public Methods
Public MethodReturns an expression tree representing the current state of this filter description. The expression tree can be used to execute the filter against an Ado net Data Service source.  
Public MethodReturns a predicate representing the current state of this filter description. This predicate can be used to execute the filter against a Linq source.  
See Also


FilterDescription Class
C1.Silverlight.DataGrid Namespace