ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Using Other (Custom) .NET Data Providers
DataObjects for .NET (Enterprise Edition) > Schema Objects > Native and OLE DB Database Access > Using Other (Custom) .NET Data Providers

In addition to the built-in providers (OleDb, SqlServer, Oracle, MSOracle) you can use any other .NET data provider by selecting the Custom option in the connection type combo box. For example, the CustomDataProvider sample in the ComponentOne Samples directory uses Microsoft ODBC .NET Data Provider.

Setting ConnectionType = Custom (selecting Custom when you create a new Connection), you indicate that you will use a .NET data provider DataObjects for .NET does not know about. There are two differences in using a custom (generic) data provider comparing with using one of the four providers included in the ConnectionType list:

Note: For an example of using a custom .NET data provider, see the CustomDataProvider sample, which is available installed with the Studio for WinForms samples.