ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Understanding Large Data Sets
DataObjects for .NET (Enterprise Edition) > Virtual Mode – Dealing with Large Datasets > Understanding Large Data Sets

Visual Studio and its underlying data engine, ADO.NET support only one mode: disconnected access to data. An ADO.NET data set is always pre-fetched in its entirety from the server to the client. Since it is often not practical to pre-fetch large data sets over the wire, this creates two serious problems:

DataObjects for .NET fills this gap, offering a solution to the problem of large data sets. It gives you the tool to achieve the best of both worlds, to have data access that is both disconnected (no live connection is maintained on the server for particular users) and therefore scalable, and at the same time, unlimited in data size.

To use a large data set in DataObjects for .NET is as easy as to set a property, DataAccessMode (you also need to use C1DataTableSource as your data source if you need to bind GUI controls in virtual mode, see Using C1DataTableSource and Bound Controls).