ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Table View Business Logic Events
DataObjects for .NET (Enterprise Edition) > Schema Objects > Table Views > Table View Business Logic Events

You can associate business logic code with table views using the C1DataSetLogic component. Use this component when you need data set-specific (in other words, table view-specific) logic rules that must be enforced in the context of a particular data set and table view, but do not always apply to the underlying table.

Only one C1DataSetLogic component is allowed for each data set. To create C1DataSetLogic components, use the Create Business Logic Components menu item of the C1SchemaDef component, or add it manually from the Toolbox and set its SchemaComponent and DataSetDef properties. Then you can attach event code either selecting the components on the designer surface, or using the Business Logic Events tool window (select Business Logic Events from the C1SchemaDef context menu to open the tool window). The Business Logic Events tool window shows the list of all tables and data sets. When you select a data set in the tool window, the data set's business logic events appear in the Properties window (in Visual C#, when the Events radio button is selected in the Properties window; in Visual Basic use the Method Name combo box in the code editor).

See Table Business Logic Events for the list of event handlers that can be used to specify business logic.