ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Supporting Distributed (COM+) Transactions
DataObjects for .NET (Enterprise Edition) > Schema Objects > Supporting Distributed (COM+) Transactions

Distributed (COM+) transactions can span multiple databases and other transactional resources. They are supported in .NET declaratively, using classes marked with a special [Transaction] attribute.

If you need to support distributed transactions, you will have to override the default DataObjects for .NET behavior: opening and committing an ADO.NET database transaction to update the database.

Using ADO.NET (so called "manual") transactions is incompatible with distributed transaction support.

To disable ADO.NET transactions, override the virtual Update method in the RemoteDataService-derived class of your data library. That method has a beginTransaction parameter set to True by default. Set BeginTransaction to False and call a method in an object of a class with appropriate TransactionAttribute. In that method, perform the Update, for example, calling the RemoteDataService-derived object's Base.Update() or calling a business method of that object.