ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Other Functions
DataObjects for .NET (Enterprise Edition) > Features and Techniques > DataObjects for .NET Expressions > Other Functions

Other functions include:

Function Description
Convert(value, type) Converts a value to the specified type. Example: Convert(Quantity, 'System.Int32')
Len(string) Returns the length of a string. Example: Len(CompanyName)
IsNull(value, replacement_value) Returns value if it is not Null and replacement_value if value is Null. Example: IsNull(OrderDate, #1/31/2001#) returns #1/31/2001# if Orderdate is Null.
IIF(condition, true_value, false_value) Returns true_value if condition is True, and false_value if condition is False. Example: IIF(A < B, A, B) returns the minimum of A and B.
Substring(string, start_position, length) Returns a substring of specified length starting at start_position. Example: Substring(CompanyName, 1, 5) returns first five characters of the CompanyName value.