ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Notes for Users of DataObjects for .NET Enterprise Edition
DataObjects for .NET Express Edition > Notes for Users of DataObjects for .NET Enterprise Edition

If you are familiar with DataObjects Enterprise Edition, it may be helpful to understand the relationship between DataObjects for .NET and DataObjects for .NET Express.

DataObjects for .NET Express is a simplified version of DataObjects for .NET. It makes working with data very simple and straightforward and it is easier to master than C1DataObject Enterprise Edition. DataObjects for .NET Express is intended for small to medium projects where full power of DataObjects for .NET is not required.

DataObjects for .NET Express resides in a separate assembly, C1.Data.Express.2.dll that uses the DataObjects for .NET assembly C1.Data.2.dll. DataObjects for .NET Express added three components to DataObjects for .NET: C1ExpressTable, C1ExpressConnection, and C1ExpressView.

DataObjects for .NET Express always works in direct client mode (see Direct Client for more information), it does not support 3-tier configuration and data libraries.

DataObjects for .NET Express does not use the Schema Designer and does not require creating C1DataSet components on user forms. A C1DataSet object and a corresponding schema is generated automatically for each C1ExpressConnection component and can be accessed through its DataSet property:

For a C1ExpressConnection component with attached C1ExpressTable components:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
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For a standalone C1ExpressConnection component:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
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To write code in C#

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