ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
How the Data is Fetched
DataObjects for .NET (Enterprise Edition) > Schema Objects > Simple Tables > How the Data is Fetched

Filling Data Sets with data (executing Fill), DataObjects for .NET performs fetch for every table view in that data set. Simple tables themselves are not fetched, because all simple table rows may not be needed. DataObjects for .NET exposes table views to the user, not simple tables, so it fetches only those rows that occur in the table views. You must take this fact into account when designing the data set structure. Sometimes, it is necessary to ensure that all rows of a certain simple table are present in the dataset. For example, if you want the end user to be able to select an employee in an Orders row (see the example in Structured Data Storage: Tables and Table Views), you must have all Employees rows available in the data set. To ensure that all simple table rows are fetched, make sure that the data set includes a table view based on that simple table, add this table view to the data set if it is not already present, and do not specify a filter condition for this table view calling the Fill method.

Sometimes it is necessary to control the order in which table views are fetched. Specifically, it can be necessary when custom code is used in fetching and some parameters in this code depend on the fact that some other table view has already been fetched. To specify fetch order, set FetchIndex (usually in the Schema Designer) orFetchIndex (only in the BeforeFetch event).