ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Business Logic
DataObjects for .NET (Enterprise Edition) > Business Logic

DataObjects for .NET uses the standard business object paradigm to allow you to develop business logic components (data libraries) and reuse them in multiple client projects. This provides clear separation of business and data logic from the presentation (GUI) layer. See Application Configurations for the detailed description of the data library concept. Developers write business logic code in the events of special C1TableLogic and C1DataSetLogic components in a data library.

DataObjects for .NET enables unprecedented code reuse power and flexibility by allowing you to specify business logic on all levels: from the most general level of simple tables for rules that must be enforced for tables regardless of the context where they are used, to more specific levels of composite tables, then data sets, and finally the most specific level of a concrete rowset instance. For more information, see How Business Logic Works on Different Levels.

When writing business logic code, you can use Using Typed Data Objects automatically generated by DataObjects for .NET. In this way, you can write code in a convenient, type-safe way, and benefit from Visual Studio code completion features giving you the lists of properties and methods to choose from.

In addition to business logic events, DataObjects for .NET allows you to define business methods in your data library, see Business Methods. Business methods are called by the client and executed on the server. They can fill data sets with data, update the database and perform any other required operations.

See Also