ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
C1.Data.Express Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Data.Express.2 Assembly : C1.Data.Express Namespace
ClassA C1ExpressionConnection component is used when it is necessary to combine several tables into a single data set.
ClassRepresents a C1ExpressTable field.
ClassRepresents a collection of C1ExpressField objects.
ClassRepresents an equality condition between a parent and a child field of a C1ExpressRelation.
ClassRepresents a collection of C1ExpressJoin objects of a C1ExpressRelation.
ClassRepresents a relation between two C1ExpressTable objects.
ClassRepresents a collection of C1ExpressRelation objects of a C1ExpressConnection.
ClassC1ExpressTable is the main component of C1DataExpress.
ClassC1ExpressView is a component that can serve as a data source for data-aware controls, along with C1ExpressTable and C1ExpressConnection.
ClassProvides data for the C1ExpressTable.BeforeGenerateSql and C1ExpressTable.AfterGenerateSql events.
DelegateRepresents the method that handles the C1ExpressTable.BeforeGenerateSql and C1ExpressTable.AfterGenerateSql events.
See Also


C1.Data.Express.2 Assembly