ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
GetRowsEvent Property (ViewRelation)

C1.Data.2 Assembly > C1.Data.SchemaObjects Namespace > ViewRelation Class : GetRowsEvent Property
Gets or sets a value indicating whether relation is specified in code in GetChildRows and C1.Data.C1DataSetLogic.GetParentRow events (and not based on a Relation between tables).
Public Overridable Property GetRowsEvent As System.Boolean
public virtual System.bool GetRowsEvent {get; set;}
If this property is set to True, the view relation is not based on a table relation (its Relation property is ignored), it is defined by custom code returning the list of child rows for a parent row in GetChildRows event (in C1DataExpress, C1ExpressConnection.GetChildRows).

Only view relations (only relations between table views, not relations between tables) can be custom (have this property set to True). Furthermore, custom relations are allowed only in data set diagrams, not in composite table diagrams. You can define custom relations between table views based on composite tables, but cannot use custom relation inside a composite table diagram.

Related topic: OneWay

See Also


ViewRelation Class
ViewRelation Members
View Relations