ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
ListChangedFlags Enumeration

C1.Data.2 Assembly > C1.Data Namespace : ListChangedFlags Enumeration
Specifies how a command string is interpreted.
Public Enum ListChangedFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum ListChangedFlags : System.Enum 
AdoNetSuppressInEditMode | NotifyEndEdit | NotifyAddNewTwice
NoneC1DataObjects uses its regular notification scheme.
NotifyAddNewTwiceFor a newly added row, second ListChanged event with ListChangedType = ItemAdded is called on EndEdit (when the row leaves the "detached" state). The first ListChanged event with ItemAdded is always fired on AddNew:C1DataTable, when the row is created in the "detached" state.
NotifyEndEditListChanged event with ListChangedType = ItemChanged is fired on EndEdit if some fields were changed while the row was in edit mode.
SuppressInEditModeListChanged event with ListChangedType = ItemChanged is not fired when a field is set in edit mode (between BeginEdit and EndEdit).
These flags, used in C1DataSet.NotificationModeFlags property, affect the way change notifications are sent to data bound controls. If none of the flags is set (the default), C1DataObjects uses its regular notification scheme.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


C1.Data Namespace