ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Refresh(Boolean) Method

C1.Data.2 Assembly > C1.Data Namespace > C1DataView Class > Refresh Method : Refresh(Boolean) Method
If the thisViewOnly argument is True, only this C1DataView is refreshed. If it is False (default), all C1DataView components based on the same table view are refreshed.
Refreshes the collection of data view rows.
Public Overloads Sub Refresh( _
   ByVal thisViewOnly As System.Boolean _
public void Refresh( 
   System.bool thisViewOnly


If the thisViewOnly argument is True, only this C1DataView is refreshed. If it is False (default), all C1DataView components based on the same table view are refreshed.
This method re-populates the data view rows, testing the filter conditions and applying sort, if specified. Call this method after changing filter conditions and sort, if AutoRefresh is set to False.
See Also


C1DataView Class
C1DataView Members
Overload List
C1DataRow Class