ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
Item(DataField,DataRowVersionEnum) Property

C1.Data.2 Assembly > C1.Data Namespace > C1DataRow Class > Item Property : Item(DataField,DataRowVersionEnum) Property
The data field that contains the data.
One of the DataRowVersionEnum values that specifies the desired row version. Possible values are Default, Original, Current, and Proposed.
Gets or sets the data stored in the row in one of the fields.
Public Overloads ReadOnly Property Item( _
   ByVal field As DataField, _
   ByVal version As DataRowVersionEnum _
) As System.Object
public System.object Item( 
   DataField field,
   DataRowVersionEnum version
) {get;}


The data field that contains the data.
One of the DataRowVersionEnum values that specifies the desired row version. Possible values are Default, Original, Current, and Proposed.

Property Value

An Object that contains the data.
See Also


C1DataRow Class
C1DataRow Members
Overload List
C1DataRow Class