ComponentOne Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
C1OutPage Smart Tag
Design-Time Support > Command Smart Tags > C1OutPage Smart Tag

The C1OutPage control provides quick and easy access to its C1OutPage Collection Editor and its most common editing actions such as adding a new blank page or a new page with a toolbar with only one click through its smart tag.

To access the C1OutPage Tasks menu, select the C1OutPage and click on the smart tag () in the upper right corner of the C1OutPage. This will open the C1OutPage Tasks menu.

The C1OutPage Tasks menu operates as follows:


Selecting the VisualStyle drop-down box opens a list box with several items to choose from (Custom, System, Office2010Blue, Office2010Black, Office2010Silver, Office2007Blue, Office2007Black, Office2007Silver, Office2003Blue, Office2003Olive, Office2003Silver, OfficeXP, Classic, and WindowsXP) to set the style of the C1OutPage control. Note that the C1OutBar.VisualStyle property and VisualStyle enumeration supersede the LookAndFeel property and LookAndFeelEnum enumeration, which are now obsolete.


Selecting the Text box and entering a name gets the text for the C1OutPage.

Add blank page

Clicking Add blank page adds a new empty C1OutPage (without a C1ToolBar inside it) below the current C1OutPage.

Add page with toolbar

Clicking Add page with toolbar adds a new C1OutPage below the current C1OutPage. It also adds a new C1ToolBarinside it.

Dock in parent container

Clicking Dock in parent container docks the C1OutPage inside its parent container.


Clicking on the About item displays the About Command dialog box, which is helpful in finding the version number of C1Command and online resources.

See Also