ComponentOne Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
C1NavBar Panel Smart Tag
Design-Time Support > Command Smart Tags > C1NavBar Panel Smart Tag

The C1NavBarPanel Tasks menu makes it simple to change the VisualStyle and add section headers, horizontal rules, and docked panels.

To access the C1NavBarPanel Tasks menu, click on the smart tag () in the upper right corner of the C1NavBarPanel. This will open the C1NavBarPanel Tasks menu.

The C1NavBarPanel Tasks menu operates as follows:


Selecting the VisualStyle drop-down box opens a list box with several items to choose from (Custom, System, Office2010Blue, Office2010Black, Office2010Silver,  Office2007Blue, Office2007Black, Office2007Silver, Office2003Blue, Office2003Olive, Office2003Silver, OfficeXP, Classic, and WindowsXP) to set the look and feel style of the section headers, horizontal rules, and docked panels. Note that the C1NavBar.VisualStyle property and VisualStyle enumeration supersede the LookAndFeel property and LookAndFeelEnum enumeration, which are now obsolete.

Add Section Header

Clicking on the Add Section Header item adds a section header to the panel area of the selected button.

Add Horizontal Rule

Clicking on the Add Horizontal Rule item adds a horizontal line across the panel area of the selected button.

Add Docked Panel

Clicking on the Add Docked Panel item enables a dockable panel area of the selected button.

See Also