ComponentOne Xamarin.Android
C1.CollectionView Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.CollectionView Assembly : C1.CollectionView Namespace
Class Collection that takes another source and cache the items.
Class Implements an in-memory collection view which takes a data source and applies the sort and filter operations.
Class Base class for collection views.
ClassExtension methods for C1CollectionView<T>.
Class Base class for cursor-like collection views.
Class Base class for cursor-like collection views.
Class Exposes an IList created dynamically by specifying a count and a selector which provide the items
Class Collection which allows performing changes locally until they are committed to the inner source.
Class Collection which supports filtering.
Class Collection which supports grouping
ClassBase class of collections that are composed by others InternalCollections.
Class Collection that wraps another collection to be shown in pages of a maximum number of items.
Class Collection which allows transforming the items through a select clause.
Class Collection which allows transforming the items through a select many clause.
ClassCollection that is composed of a sequence of other Collections.
Class Collection which supports sorting.
Class Base class for data-virtualized collection views.
Class Collection view which takes another collection as source.
Class Collection view which takes another collection as source.
Class Contains information about an item of the cache.
Class Event data for cancellable events.
Class Combines two filter expressions using a logical operator.
ClassAbstract filter expression. Use FilterUnaryExpression to create a concrete filter and FilterBinaryExpression to apply logical operations between filter expressions.
Class Filter expresssion which negates another expression.
Class Describes a concrete filter expression.
Class Filter expresssion which takes a predicate as the filtering function.
Class Describes a text filter expression with match case and match whole word properties.
Class Describes a concrete filter expression.
Class Describes a concrete filter expression.
Class Describes a group operation.
ClassExtension methods for ICollectionView<T>.
ClassExtensions for IReadOnlyList.
Class Provides event data for collection events as well as support for asynchronously waiting for the event handlers.
Class Event awaiter which provides the event arguments.
Class Describes a sort operation.
Interface Abstracts the transformation of a data source into a collection view.
InterfaceAbstracts a group of ICollectionView<T>.
Interface Contains information about the items that has been loaded so far.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support asynchronous loading.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support currency management.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support editing.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support filtering.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support grouping.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support incremental loading.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support paging.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support refreshing.
Interface Specifies a calling contract for collection views that support sorting.
Enumeration Represents the valid filter combinations to create a filter expression.
Enumeration Represents the valid operations.
Enumeration Direction of the sort operation.
Enumeration Specifies the different modes the data can be loaded.
See Also


C1.CollectionView Assembly