C1.Silverlight version 5.0.20143.431
Breaking Changes
- Extension methods for System.Type have been moved from the Extensions class to the TypeEx class.
- Added new AboutBox logic and display.
- Implemented new evaluation version logic. The new logic restricts evaluation installs to 30 days.
- Added a new C1ProgressIndicator control.
- [C1Menu] added a new Close() method. Use it in complicated scenarios if you need to close any opened submenus before updating the UI layout.
- [C1RadialMenu] Added a new C1RadialMenu control. It represents a touch-friendly alternative to the traditional context menu. Please reference the behavior of C1RadialMenu in XAML.
- Added missing translations for different cultures.
- [C1ContextMenu] The C1ContextMenu is shown when using a touch screen.
Bug Fixes
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue where the selected item was larger than comboboxitems in C1ComboBox when applying the Cosmopolitan or CosmopolitanDark theme.
- [C1ContextMenu] Fixed the issue where the submenu was shown at the top-left position when expanding the submenu of an item and opening another page or clearing all items.
- [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where an InvalidCastException occurred when using a bound datasource in C1TabControl.
- [C1ContextMenu] Fixed the issue where setting the values of the Height and Width properties of the C1ContextMenu did not effect the displayed size.
- [C1ListBox] An unhandled exception is no longer thrown when setting the SelectedItem to null.
- C1ListViewer hides the preview item template when full template is displayed in order to avoid seeing duplicated elements. Fixed.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where Shift+Tab did not exit C1NumericBox to the previous input control.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where formatting was incorrect in C1NumericBox.
- [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where a tabItem could not be moved to first position if an underlying datasource was used.
- [C1Window] Fixed the issue where the long item names of C1Chart placed in C1Windows were protruding out of the window.
- [C1Window] Fixed the issue where the size of the C1Window was not consistent with the size of the content.
- [C1TreeView] Fixed the issue where the autoSearch property did not work for Japanese characters.
- [C1Menu] Fixed the issue where the c1MenuListItem was not getting disabled when a command was bound.
- The C1ListViewer.BringIntoView() method is now working correctly.
- C1ListViewer.MinZoom and MaxZoom are now honored when setting the Zoom property programmatically.
- [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where the MouseLeftButtonUp event was not fired in C1TabControl.
- [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where slow performance was observed when a theme was applied and a C1DockTabItem containing a large number of controls was selected.
- C1DragHelper inertia was not working when two helpers were attached to the same UI-element and one of them expected inertia whereas the other did not. Fixed.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where an increment number was not shown and the application stopped working when clicking an increment button in C1NumericBox.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue that when a C1NumericBox is bound with another C1NumericBox, its value cannot change once it reaches the maximum or minimum value.
- The C1ListViewer item is no longer buried when zooming in using ZoomAnimation().
- The C1TapHelper Holding event has been implemented for this platform.
- C1ListViewer is now honoring the Horizontal and VerticalAlignment properties of the items.
- [C1ComboBox] Fixed the issue of an incorrect Item Selection when the Condition property was set to Contains.
- [C1TreeView] Fixed the issue where AutoSearch was not working for the selected keyboard language.
- [C1TabControl] Fixed the issue where the views and view models were not being garbage collected when the UnselectedContentMode was set to Collapsed.
- The C1DragHelper property origin of the DragStarted event args is no longer returning a wrong value when performed with the finger.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where zero could not be entered after a decimal point in C1Numericbox even is the set format was 'F2' or 'N2'.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where the cursor did not shift its position if the digit which appeared after the decimal point was typed again after the decimal point for the second time.
- [C1MaskTextBox] Fixed the issue where the VerticalScrollBar did not fully show as C1MaskTextBox's height.
- [C1TreeView] Drag Drop between two C1TreeView controls no longer leaves a drag impression on source C1TreeView.
- The GetPropertyValue extension was not evaluating the path correctly when it had the following structure "[xxx.xxx]".
- The C1ListBox problem with scrollbar's visibility has been fixed.
- [C1DropDownButton] Fixed the issue where the HeaderFontSize, HeaderFontStyle, and HeaderFontWeight properties did not work in C1DropDownButton.
- The Property path setter and getter were modified to support nested indexed paths as well as default Visual Basic properties.
- [C1NumericBox] Fixed the issue where an ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred when deleting the initial value 0 in c1NumericBox.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where out of range datapoints were visible on the chart when the RenderMode was set to Bitmap and Zooming was performed on the Chart object.
- Fixed the issue where the ChartPanelObject goes out of the ChartView area after zooming.
- Fixed an exception when hiding the y-axis in polar chart.
- Fixed an exception when zooming StepAreaStacked.
- Fixed a problem with the label position in pie chart when the starting angle is negative.
Breaking Changes
RenderMode3D has been renamed to RenderMode.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the issue where the License file was not created when dropping the control at design time.
- Added missing localized resources.
- DataGrid uses a new C1ProgressIndicator control to display the loading state. The default control template has been simplified. You can customize loading indicator style by setting the new C1DataGrid.LoadingIndicatorStyle to the custom C1ProgressIndicator style.
- DataGridDateColumn now supports CustomDateFormat and CustomTimeFormat.
Bug Fixes
- Avoid changing a selection while the current item changes in order to prevent conflicts with selection mode.
- An exception is no longer thrown when dragging a frozen column and another frozen column is hidden.
- [DataGrid] Fixed the issue where a NullReferenceException occurred when a new row was added if the underlying data source contained an indexed property.
- [DataGrid] Fixed the issue where values were changed when entering decimal data in some scenarios in C1DataGrid.
- An unhandled exception is no longer raised when rendering.
- Virtualized colums'n width is no longer incorrect when printing.
- Filter items are now changed when the language is changed in the application.
- An exception is no longer raised when pressing the Enter key in the filter drop-down.
- An exception is no longer raised when pressing the Tab key.
- The filter drop-down is now shown correctly.
- An exception is no longer raised when merging cells and grouping at the same time.
- The header no longer disappears after printing when it is a TextBlock.
- Viewport.CellsRange was raising an exception if the range was invalid, but now it returns null.
- The Tab KeyPress event is now correcly handled when no cell with a focusable control is found.
- A printed data grid is now considering the height of the rows.
- A row was unselected when the Ctrl key was pressed and the selection mode was set to multi-row. Fixed.
- The row validation background no longer disappears when scrolling up and down.
Bug Fixes
- DataGridNumericConverter has been changed to convert DBNull values to null.
Bug Fixes
- Height of the rows was incorrect when the grid was not scrolled previously. Fixed.
- DataGridColumnHeaderRow is now exported to Excel.
Breaking Changes
The DataGridMultiLineDateFilter.EditMode type changed from C1DateTimePickerEditMode to DataGridDateTimeColumnEditMode.
- DataGridMultiLineDateFilter now supports Custom EditMode which allows entering the datetime in a textbox, analogously to date time column editor.
- DataGridMultiLineDateFilter now supports CustomDateFormat and CustomTimeFormat.
Bug Fixes
Filters tab navigation has been improved.
Bug Fixes
The DataGridGroupWithSummaryRowPresenter template is now displaying the background set by the user.
Bug Fixes
Fixed mouse handling issues.
[C1DockControl] The control now supports float tab control when dragging.
Bug Fixes
- [C1DockControl] Fixed the issue where the MaxDockWidth property works incorrectly in C1DockTabControl.
- [C1DockControl] Fixed the issue where the Close button is displayed even after setting CanUserHide to False for C1DockTabControl.
- [C1DockControl] Fixed the issue where the C1DockTabControl did not fill the C1DockControl when the Save and Load methods of 'C1DockControl' were used.
Bug Fixes
- [C1PropertyGrid] Fixed the issue where a notSupportedException occurred when a String ItemArray was added to DataRow by the collection editor.
- [C1PropertyGrid] Fixed an issue where propertyGrid formatting was not applied.
- A NullReferenceException is no longer thrown if the SelectedObject is set to an object instance whose class definition is consistent of a ColorPalette.
- C1BasicColorPicker keyboard navigation has been fixed.
- [C1PropertyGrid] SubProperties of type ObservableCollection are now displayed correctly in C1PropertyGrid.
Improved the performance of AutoSizeColumns(allCells).
Bug Fixes
- Setting a non convertible value is no longer raising an exception.
- Evaluating a path with a numeric indexer is not returning the right value.
- Pasting values is now working fine in numeric and Boolean columns.
- Resizing rows is now working correctly.
- Auto-sizing columns is now working correctly when there are merged cells.
- Getting values from cells is no longer raising an exception when the data source used indexed properties.
- Improved the performance of Row.GetData() method.
- Recycle templated cells to improve performance and avoid memory leaks.
- Setting enum values as String is no longer raising an exception.
- Setting values is no longer throwing an exception when the underlying type is Enum and the value is a string.
- Aggregate cells are updated when GroupRow is in the ColumnHeaders panel. Fixed.
- An exception is no longer raised when setting a cell value if the items source is a DataTable.
- The AutoSizeColumn method is no longer raising an exception.
- A performance issue was fixed when resizing columns.
- The control no longer avoids pasting data in a read-only grid. Fixed.
- The control updates a column's visibility when the HideGroupedColumns is set at run time. Fixed.
- Pasting from the clipboard is now working fine in all cases.
- Column.Format is now being applied correctly.
- Changes are now correctly committed when changing the focus if the grid was inside a popup.
- The right border is no longer missing when printing.
- Added Romanian resources.
- Added simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese resources.
Bug Fixes
- Column header content is now centered correctly when using filters.
- Executes the column converter when filtering using a text filter. Fixed.
- An exception is no longer raised when loading a filter whose value does not have the right format.
- Filtering null values is now working correctly.
- An exception is no longer raised when filtering.
- Getting cell values is now working correctly when the binding of the column is using XPath.
Bug Fixes
- The control no longer hides columns when loading a grouped source and HideGroupedColumn is false. Fixed.
- The drop indicator is no longer displaced when scroll position was different from zero.
Added constant properties MaxLongValue, MinLongValue, MaxLatValue, MinLatValue, MaxZoomValue, and MinZoomValue, respectively.
[C1MediaPlayer] Added MediaStreamSource to C1MediaItem to play WAV files.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where an ArgumentNullException was thrown when adding Rows through Row Collection Editor: Rows.
- Fixed the issue where a NullReferenceException was thrown when the GroupAxisAnnotation property was set to true and OlapChart was opened at run time.
- Fixed the issue where an exception was observed when opening a Miscellaneous drop down in the Properties grid after dragging and dropping OlapChart on form.
- Fixed the issue where a "Detail View" grid did not show when right-clicking over a cell in OlapGrid.
Added localized resources for different cultures.
- Reconstructed C1PdfViewer by using C1ListViewer on WPF and SL.
- Added touch support and improved scrolling smoothness.
- Removed the Two Pages button from PdfViewerToolbar.
- The behavior of rendering multiple pages is now the same as WinRT's. (vertical rendering)
- As with WinRT's C1PdfViewer, the ViewportGap and Orientation properties have been added.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that when a PDF file containing a circle is loaded, the circle is displayed with an irregular border.
- Fixed the issue where an oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree exception occurred when opening a PDF File.
- Fixed the issue where a PDF file was not correctly rendered in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when opening a PDF File.
- Fixed the issue where an indexOutOfRangeException occurred when clicking the page number.
- Fixed the issue where the search occurrence count was not correctly displayed in C1PDFViewer.
- Fixed the issue where text selection did not work if Japanese text and numbers were put into a table.
- Fixed the issue where text selection did not work correctly in a signed PDF document when a Find action was performed.
- Fixed the issue where an argumentOutOfRangeException occurred when dragging selected text after the Find action was performed.
- Fixed the issue where the Zoom In button was still enabled even though the Zoom value was set to the maximized value of "800%" at the first time.
- Fixed the issue where the found word was not selected when clicking Find Next if the PDF file contained Japanese and English text.
- Fixed the issue where some words were not able to be selected when a Find action was performed.
- Fixed the issue where the Zoom In button was still enabled even though the Zoom value was set to the maximized value of 800% at the first time.
- Fixed the issue where an XamlParseException occurred when loading certain PDF files in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue of being unable to print more than 2000 pages from C1PDFViewer.
- Fixed the issue where an Inflating error was raised when loading certain PDF files.
- Fixed the issue that when Orientation was set to Horizontal, the Next Page button was not working in the toolbar.
- Fixed the issue where an ArgumentException was raised when typing text in the Search box.
- Fixed the issue that certain PDF files did not render correctly.
- Fixed the issue where an CryptographicException was thrown when loading certain PDF files.
- Fixed the issue where the SelectedText property did not work in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue of being unable to navigate hyperlinks in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the embedded font was not applied.
- Fixed the issue where C1PdfViewer was automatically scrolled down when double clicking a word.
- Fixed the issue where circle bullets were replaced with rectangles in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where an image of a PDF file appeared smudged when viewed in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where a NullReferenceException occurred when loading a PDF file containing input controls.
- Fixed the issue where a dotted line was replaced with square characters.
- Fixed the issue where a CryptographicException occurred when loading a password protected PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where the Search function did not work correctly.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect text rendered in the text box.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect text rendered in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where some formula and text and tables were not shown correctly in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the text of a bullet list were shown in larger font size.
- Fixed the issue where logo images and graphics lines were missing.
- Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when loading certain PDF files.
- Fixed the issue where characters were too close and nearly overlapped in a loaded PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where the Table UI , logo image, checkbox, barcode, and header text were not displayed.
- Fixed the issue where some characters did not appear in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where some characters rendered incorrectly in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where some white vertical lines appeared above the text in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where checkboxes were displayed as unknown characters.
- Fixed the issue where incorrect characters were rendering.
- Fixed the issue where font size rendered too large when loading certain files.
- Fixed the issue of incorrect text location and overlapped text rendering.
- Fixed the issue where an IndexOutOfRangeException occurred when dragging the mouse on the Japanese Kanji character.
- Fixed the issue where C1PdfViewer could not scroll text into view.
- Fixed the issue where strange blocks rendered in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where text was missing and small in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where correct word could not be selected while searching text when loading a Chinese PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where text was not correctly selected when searching the value in a PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where watermark text did not correctly display in a loaded PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where some words and numbers were changed to a large font size in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where text was not correctly aligned when Chinese and English characters were on the same page.
- Fixed the issue where an IndexOutOfRangeException occurred when loading a PDF file.
- [WPF] Fixed the issue where the C1PDFViewer displayed some blank pages.
- Fixed the issue where some text overlapped when loading certain PDF files.
- Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when opening certain PDF files.
- Fixed the issue where text overlapped in a scanned PDF.
- Fixed the issue where an IndexOutOfRangeException occurred when loading a PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where a NullReferenceExecption occurred when loading a PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where texts was not shown when loading a PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where some text was getting lost except from first characters in a Vietnamese PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where text overlapped when a loading PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where spaces disappeared.
- Fixed the issue where it was taking a long time to load a file.
- Fixed the issue where some text inside a table was shown in a larger font size when loading a PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where text in a specific rectangle was not shown in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where the Find text textbox was not able to search text when loading the PDF file containing both English and Japanese text.
- Fixed the issue where some words were becoming a large font size in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where blank pages were shown in C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where header text was shown improperly in c1PdfViewer.
- Fixed the issue where some text was missing when loading a report type 'RPC' format in C1ReportViewer.
- Fixed the issue where a NullReferenceException occurred when trying to go to page 31 in c1PdfViewer.
- [WPF] Fixed the issue where bullets were replaced with ! in a loaded PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where an ArgumentException was thrown when opening certain PDF files.
- Fixed the issue where overlapped text was shown.
- Fixed the issue where a few Chinese characters were not rendered correctly.
- Fixed the issue where the Japanese PDF file was not rendered properly in C1PdfViewer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where an InvalidOperationException occurred when finding text in c1ReportViewer if the headerfooter template was used.
- Fixed the issue where a NullReferenceException occurred when clicking the Zoom out button after changing the Zoom value 0% to any view mode. Fixed the issue where an UnhandledException occurred when typing in the 'Find' textbox after loading a PDF file into C1ReportViewer if the Zoom value was less than 25%.
- Fixed the issue where an exception occurred when loading a PDF file.
- Fixed the issue where text was not displayed correctly when loading a PDF file in C1ReportViewer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the type attribute in the OL tag did not handle lower-roman or lower-latin.
- Fixed the issue where the System.ArgumentException was raised when loading an HTML file coming from LinkedIn email.
- Fixed the issue where the paste function did not work correctly in IE11.
- Fixed the issue that when Header text (for example, <H2>) was exporting to PDF, a large space was rendered between the header text.
- Fixed the issue where the horizontal scroll bar in RichTextBox briefly appeared when a page was refreshed.
- Fixed the issue where character spacing could not be restored by pressing Crtl + Z keys if the selected text was changed to a large font size.
- Fixed the issue where a bullet was clipped when the bullet was applied to text after setting a large font size.
- Fixed the issue where a white line was shown at the bottom of the cell after merging the table cell.
- Fixed the issue where formatting when pasting from Outlook/Word was not formatted correctly.
- Fixed the issue where an ArgumentNullException occurred when removing a link from hyperlink text after removing underline from it.
- Fixed the issue where a LayoutCycle exception was observed when numerous (>130) C1RichTextBox controls are added at run time.
- Fixed the issue where the MouseWheel event did not get fired.
- Fixed the issue where images resized in RichTextBox did not maintain scaling when exported to C1PdfViewer.
- Fixed an issue and list alignment is now working with ToolBar.
- Fixed the issue where text overlaps in a table cell when C1RichTextBox is resized.
- Fixed the issue where space was added to double-byte characters when exporting to RTF.
- Fixed the issue where the Delete key did not delete the space before a table.
- Fixed the issue where deleting table content using the Delete key would reduce the table to a single cell.
- Fixed the issue where a bullet was clipped when bullet was applied to text after setting a large font size.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the Underline and Strikethrough buttons were auto selected when clicking on the inserted picture.
- Fixed the issue where a selected text's font/font-size was not changed when changing the font/font size by pressing the up/down keyboard arrow keys.
- Fixed the issue that when selected text was edited by using the ChangeCase tool, the previous line was selected.
- Fixed the issue that when typing -9 in the Zoom textbox, the value reset to 100%.
- Added a view tab that includes C1PrintViewLargeTool, C1DraftViewLargeTool, C1ZoomInTool, C1ZoomOutTool, C1Zoom100PercentTool, C1OnePageTool, C1TwoPagesTool, and C1FitWidthTool to C1RichTextBoxToolBar.
- Added C1StrikethoughTool to the Home tab of C1RichTextBoxToolBar.
- Added Romanian resources, added missing translations for different cultures.
Bug Fixes
[C1Toolbar] Fixed the issue where the selected tab was not opened when clicking the tabstrip of C1Toolbar at design time.
Breaking Changes
Removed obsolete C1Scheduler properties: VisualIntervals, VisualIntervalGroups, and VisualIntervalsView.
- Added a new property, ViewType, to the C1Scheduler control. It simplifies changing default C1Scheduler styles both at run time and design time.
- The C1Scheduler.BeforeViewChange event is also fired when a view is changed due to a C1Scheduler.ViewType property change.
- Added support to highlight the current time in the Day/Week/TimeLine views. This includes: A new TimeRuler control used in default C1Scheduler control templates; A new C1Scheduler.CurrentTimeBrush property.
- Added a context menu item to switch C1Scheduler views at design time.
- Added Romanian resources and added missing translations for different cultures.
- Added simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese resources.
- Added the IntervalAppointmentPresenter.ShowTime property. It gets a value that determines whether to show an appointment time.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the AppointmentChanged event was occasionally not firing during drag and drop operations.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect drag and drop behavior in the C1Scheduler, when Application.Current.RootVisual uses RightToLeft FlowDirection.
Added Romanian resources.
Bug Fixes
- [C1PdfViewer] Fixed the issue where the Two Pages icon was still appearing in the C1PdfViewer toolbar when the theme was set to Cosmopolitan, CosmopolitanDark, Office2013White, Office2013LightGray, Office2013DarkGray.
- In Theming.Office2013, the foreground was not propagated because the usage of an implicit style whose foreground was set.
Bug Fixes
A NullReferenceException no longer occurs when the DataContext of the C1Tiles, whose CommandBinding is set in code, is changed.
Bug Fixes
- [C1TileView] When moving a TileViewItem, an item is now moved in consistent order.
- [C1TileView] An ArgumentNullException no longer occurs when clearing all c1TileViewItems if one item is maximized.
- Added localized resources for different cultures.
- Added simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese resources.