RichTextBox for WinRT
C1TextElement Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see C1TextElement members.

Public Methods
Public MethodClearValueClears the value of style property in this C1TextElement.  
Public MethodCloneReturns a deep copy of this element.  
Public MethodCreateNewElementCreates a new C1TextElement with the same type as this.  
Public MethodEnumerateEnumerates the elements in the document in the specified direction.  
Public MethodEnumerateSubtreeEnumerates all elements in the sub tree where this element is root.  
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.  
Public MethodGetParentsReturns the list of parents from the root.  
Public MethodGetValue<T>Returns the value of a style property for this C1TextElement.  
Public MethodGroupGroups some of this C1TextElement children, all children in the specified range are added to the new parent, and the parent is inserted at the range start.  
Public MethodIsValidChildChecks whether a type is a valid child of this C1TextElement.  
Public MethodJoinSiblingJoins this element with its next sibling.  
Public MethodRemoveOverloaded. Removes a range of children in this element.  
Public MethodSetValue<T>Sets the value of a style property of this C1TextElement.  
Public MethodShallowCloneReturns a shallow copy of this element.  
Public MethodSplitOverloaded. Splits this C1TextElement at the specified offset into two elements of the same type with the same style properties.  
Public MethodUnGroupUngroups this C1TextElement, that is, this C1TextElement is removed, and all its children are added to its parent.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnTextChangedCalled when the TextChanged event needs to be fired.  
Protected MethodOnTextChangingCalled when the TextChanging event needs to be fired.  
See Also


C1TextElement Class
C1.Xaml.RichTextBox.Documents Namespace



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