ComponentOne Gauge for UWP
Using C1Knob

The C1Knob control extends a C1RadialGauge control to let the user select a numerical value by rotating the pointer. For example, C1Knob is perfect if you want to simulate the volume knob of a music player. By default, the C1Knob control appears similar to the following image:



Creating and using a C1Knob control is similar to creating a C1RadialGauge control and typically involves the similar steps:

  1. Creating the C1Knob control and setting its main properties: C1Gauge.MinimumC1Gauge.MaximumC1RadialGauge.StartAngle, and C1RadialGauge.SweepAngle.
  2. Setting how users interact with the knob, by setting the C1Knob.InteractionMode property.
  3. Adding C1GaugeMark and C1GaugeLabel decorators to show the scale. Each element may show a set of labels, tick marks, or both.
  4. Optionally customizing gauge elements with XAML templates.
  5. Setting the C1Gauge.Value property to display the value you want to initially show.
See Also